be bound up with การใช้
- Ironically the immediate future of flat-screen TVs may be bound up with the single exception to this rule : high-definition television.
- Procrastination can be bound up with our sense of self-esteem, or tied to a need to avoid anxiety-producing activities _ studying for a college test, for instance.
- He says " I can say of every representation that it is at least possible ( as a cognition ) it should be bound up with a pleasure.
- His main areas of interest are modality not to be bound up with 8 " standard " church tones, but to treat it as a unifying concept for Western chant.
- Conservative racisms tend to be bound up with cultural conceptions, casting the racial other as a cultural other, and thus ( by proof by common culture ) considering the cultural other as the racial other.
- McCain also said the nation's drug policy should be bound up with foreign policy, that the United States should help nations like Colombia rid themsleves of drug lords " who mix their criminal activity with Marxist ideology ."
- This was the " Directorium Sacerdotum " the complete " Pye " ( known in Latin as Pica Sarum ), abbreviated editions of which were afterwards published in a form which allowed it to be bound up with the respective portions of the Breviary.
- The " Supplement " reached a third edition in 1748, under the title of " The Canons of Criticism, and a Glossary, being a Supplement to Mr . Warburton's edition of Shakspear, collected from the Notes in that celebrated work and proper to be bound up with it.
- Inevitably, then, the national MMWIU's fates would be bound up with the fate of its Cleveland membership, which boasted a presence at the Ohio Foundry Company, the Draper Manufacturing Company, the Cochrane Brass Company, the American Stove Company ( Dangler Division ), Cleveland Wire & Spring, and National Screw.
- "The many Americans who debated Independence did not need Thomas Jefferson to remind them that the ` whole point'of the controversy that had absorbed their lives lay not in the ending of an old regime but in the founding of a better one, or that their future would be bound up with that powerful but ambiguous word, equality,"